Le survenant

1424 mots 6 pages
Martin Parker
November 26th 2009
Introduction to Criminology 310-BEA-03

Theodore Robert Bundy

Throughout our lives and through time we have been exposed to violence and deviant behaviour. Time and time again we hear stories of people doing horrible things to others and either getting away with it or being punished for their actions. Murder is by far the most serious of crimes and serial murder its worst form. Theodore Robert Bundy is one of the most successful and dangerous serial killers in the United States history. Probably one of he most talked about as well. Theodore’s murders were definitely attributed to rage and jealousy. In the Book Serial Slaughter, by Michael Newton he states: ``before physicians can eradicate a plague, the sources must be recognized and understood`` (P.9). The same goes for a serial killer; you must get to their roots. In Theodore Bundy’s case, his plague started taking form at a young age. Ted Bundy was born on November 24, 1946. As a child Ted did not like his situation; he hated his family’s lifestyle. He was conceived in what he though was the terrible shame of illegitimacy and that he was raised in a lower-middle-class household whose possessions and style he despised (Leyton, 1986). Growing up he was very close to his grandfather and later was forced leave his grandfathers house to escape the ridicule of being called a bastard child (P. Sears, 1991). Leaving his beloved grandfather was a traumatic experience, from which Ted never quite recovered (Sears, 1991). Being separated from a loved one or person that we look up to is always a traumatic experience. His Childhood proved to be difficult but at this point he hadn’t given up on himself and you couldn’t at this point in time predict anything for his future or make the assumption that he was a born criminal. When Ted started attending high school, the other teenagers noticed that he was different. Sears states: `` Ted had developed into a fairly intelligent but extremely

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