Marché de la location

1335 mots 6 pages
The Belgian second home event Le salon belge de la seconde résidence De Belgische beurs voor het tweede verblijf

Spring edition Flanders Expo Ghent Fall edition Brussels Expo

What is Second Place?
Second Place gathers everything together under one roof that will interest people looking for a second home. This is the ideal and only fair for exhibitors and property developers specialising in apartments or holiday homes on the domestic market and abroad for the Belgian market. Are you looking to stay closer to home, on the Belgian coast or in the Ardennes? Or would you prefer to have a home in Provence or Tuscany or on the Turkish Riviera, or some other idyllic location? Then this is your big chance: the crème de la crème of the property market brought together over an area of 10,000 square metres – be there!

Who will visit Second Place?
Nowadays, people over the age of 45 look at life entirely different than people of the same age did 30 years ago. They want to live life to the full! Even more so than the rest of the population, people who belong to the middle-aged bracket (“mediors”) are actively employed or involved in some other activity – but they are also intent on quality additions to their leisure time. A second home looms large on their wish list. Second Place aims to satisfy this demand. By bringing together specialists in the property market at one fair, in pleasant and atmospheric surroundings entirely geared to the target group’s standard of living, we lay on perfect conditions for decisions to be made, to buy. As a specialist, make sure you don’t miss it !

Who is Second Place aimed at?
• • • • Local and international property agents Holiday home developers Banks Insurance companies

Who is organising Second Place?
Second Place is an initiative of Fairs Consult, Fairs Consult is exhibition organiser for public and professional exhibitions. Thirty years of trade fair experience means that you can rely on us to take good

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